Mission Statement 

EDUcoin is building the future of learning and recruiting on web3.0. We add granularity to the college experience and keep a lifelong record of learning that helps students grow into successful professionals. We aim to reduce the costs of higher education by creating a direct to student marketplace for teachers and by creating the first decentralized skills database

Our Story

As a student I attended five colleges and completed multiple continued education programs, but as I entered the workforce and applied for jobs explaining my background was a tough task. Highlighting those skills which were most relevant and important was hard to do, and job websites were tedious and redundant. I had spent so much time and money on school but was struggling to convert what I learned in the classroom to tangible job skills. 

The story isn’t much different for my co-founder Stephen. As a computer science major he was inundated by recruiter requests to build software in every coding language under the sun upon graduation. Many job offers he received were irrelevant to him, and unless you read through his Github there was no way to keep up with what languages and projects he was most engaged with. We created EDUcoin to create a new path forward. 

The traditional college transcript has two main flaws. First it starts and ends with your college career, even as your learning journey continues. Second, it creates paywalls and more importantly data walls on academic data. This puts the pressure on students to keep up to date resumes and web pages which are not validated against the institution they learned them from. 

It is our theory that by moving this data onto the blockchain we can create a trusted and accessible database for employers, governments, and students alike to leverage. In order to incentivize this transition we focused on the needs of teachers. Teachers are the key to this data as they certify skills and have a great influence over the tools their students use. Traditionally content has been free or highly centralized to a select few publishers and institutions. By utilizing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) we built a distribution platform that allows teachers to earn more by selling NFT content bundles directly to their students.

We view learning as a lifelong process. The current job market is transforming to become more technical and niche by nature. In a remote economy comes the opportunity to hire a wider range of candidates than ever, but where to start? At EDUcoin we believe it will be on the blockchain.