Minting an NFT (non-fungible token) is the creation of a digital asset record onto a blockchain. Simply put, you are logging the existence of a thing onto the blockchain (a blockchain is generally considered an immutable or highly trusted system of record keeping). Using Educoin allows verified users to mint NFTs to a number of blockchains for the purpose of education. Currently, Educoin classifies NFTs into three buckets: classes, content, and badges. When you mint an NFT with the Educoin application you will be asked to select its type and also have the ability to add properties (such as skill tags) and lock content (like podcasts) behind the NFT you are creating. By building out the properties of the NFT you are allowing users on Educoin to have special benefits through ownership of the NFT. It should be noted that these properties and content are hosted locally on the Educoin website, NOT on the blockchain it is minted to (only the transaction of the NFT from user to user is documented on a blockchain). As stated previously the NFT itself is simply a logged item on the blockchain and its ownership sits with the user in their wallet (such as MetaMask).
When you mint or transfer an NFT it is a permanent transaction. The power of this is not just that it is public and permanent, but its additional ability to support smart contracts and decision making. At Educoin we use NFT ownership to unlock textbooks, verify credentials, and access live classes. Other future applications may use these same NFTs you are transacting with to do additional functions such as job recruitment or special perks in video games. The possibility of smart contracts and the applications that utilize them are endless and by owning crypto assets such as NFTs you are taking your first step to entering this digital ecosystem of goods and services.